Bowling Tournament
All ages - all abilities
September 28, 2024
This is a 2-game tournament and open to everyone!
Anastasia Bowling Lanes, 3245 A1A South, St. Augustine, FL 32080
General Public: $25 per person
MVP (Individual with Disability): $10
Special Needs Family: $10 per person* *2 adults + kids <18 years old
Teams of 4 will compete for CASH PRIZES and RIBBONS
High Series (1 st place $80 / 2 nd place $60 / 3 rd place $40)
High Game (1 st place $60 / 2 nd place $40 / 3 rd place $20)
High Game & High Series for both Men & Women (1 st place $20 / 2 nd place $15 / 3 rd place $10)
Gift cards will be awarded to youth in two age groups: 10 years and younger and 11 to 18 year olds
All MVPs (individuals with a disability) will receive a ribbon!
Our Why
Ability Tree First Coast hosts an Annual StrikeAbility Bowling Tournament in support of its mission to come alongside families impacted by disability and provide R.E.S.T. This tournament is for all ages & all abilities – you do not need to be a expert bowler to participate.
The intentions of our bowling tournament are to promote disability awareness & foster community inclusion, as well as raise funds to make sure our programs can continue to be offered and make a difference in the lives of our MVPs and their families. By you participating, you are helping us make this happen!
Sign up as a team of 4, group of 3, a pair, or an individual. All bowlers will be matched up to bowl in teams of 4 bowlers. So, we encourage you to get a group together – your family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors…anyone! The more teams we create the more fun it will be!
All proceeds from this FUNdraising event will benefit our CampAbility summer camps, Stop, Drop, & Play and SociAbility Social respite programs, family community events, and our Mobile SensAbility Center. You can find out more about our programs in the “Programs” tab in the menu bar.